So first I want to give you a little background on me and my personality. I will get the basics out of the way so we can get to the good stuff. My name is Heather Hood and I am from a small farming community in northwestern Indiana. I grew up there my entire life and graduated high school with the same sixty people that I started kindergarten with. I have a larger family, with my parents and four older brothers and their extended families.
After graduating high school, I came to Ball State as an English Major to become a future book editor and ultimately found my concentration in Creative Writing and my minor in Professional Writing. I will graduate from Ball State with a BA in English at the conclusion of the 2014 school year.
Now the fun stuff. What should I tell you? Well first off I will admit that I am an avid reader, specifically of Young Adult genre. I probably own more than one hundred and fifty books—not counting the ebooks I own on my Kindle. It is this genre that helped me decide that I wanted to be a book editor—a YA book editor. Beyond writing and reading, some of my favorite things to do include hanging out with friends and family, playing The Sims 3, photography, and traveling.
Well that is all I can think to say about me, but if you want to know anything else, just contact me and I will tell you anything that I can.